The price of a translation or any other language service depends on various factors. These include the length of the text, its topic, difficulty and format, as well as the language pair and delivery date.
I will be pleased to prepare an individual, free and non-binding quote for you!
Please send me the document that needs to be translated or proofread/edited, either in complete form or as a representative excerpt. This helps me to get an idea of the topic and quality. All submitted materials will of course be treated as strictly confidential.
Apart from that, please provide me with the following information:
- Language pair (e.g. English > German)
- File format (e.g. Word, PDF)
- Volume (number of source words)
- Desired delivery date
- Special instructions (e.g. character limitation), information on the intended audience (e.g. employees, customers) and the purpose of the text (e.g. newsletter, app, website) as well as any reference material (e.g. glossaries, style guides, images)